cd /extra/source wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mysar/mysar/2.1.4/mysar-2.1.4.tar.gz?use_mirror=hivelocity tar zxf mysar-2.1.4.tar.gz mv mysar /usr/local/ ln –s /usr/local/mysar/etc/mysar.apache /var/www/html/mysar //建立链接 给apache设置mysar的虚拟目录 ln -s /usr/local/mysar/etc/mysar.cron /etc/cron.d/mysar //配置计划任务 mv /usr/local/mysar/etc/config.ini.example /usr/local/mysar/etc/config.ini //配置.ini文件2.编辑Apache主配置文件/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf,在配置文件的末尾添加语句
<VirtualHost *:80> Alias /mysar /usr/local/mysar/www/ <Directory "/usr/local/mysar/www "> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride authconfig Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost> 3.然后在http://中安装即可,安装完毕按照提示: rm -rf /usr/local/mysar/www/install 然后就可以通过http://登陆到MySQL Squid Access Report进行管理了 4.MySQL Squid Access Report介绍: MySQL Squid Access Report, mysar for short, is a reporting system for user web traffic activity, as logged from a squid proxy. MySAR consists of two parts: Command line utilities which import a squid log file in a MySQL database and maintain the databas. 将Sqiud的日志文件导入mysql以及对包含日志数据的数据库进行维护命令行工具 A web interface for accessing the reports. 基于浏览器的web报表GUI界面 Its key features are: Free. Licenced under the GPL, mysar is free for everyone to use. Dynamic. Forget about static reports that take ages to generate, hogging the system's CPU. Mysar is is the only squid reporting system with a database as its backend. Almost realtime. No longer do you have to wait for the next hour or day for the reports to be generated. All of the user activity is available to you when you want it. NOW. Portable. Written in pure PHP, mysar is available to any unix-based OS platform PHP supports, without any modification. Flexible. Since the code is open-source, you can customize it to your needs. Create you own reports as you see fit. Supported. Mysar project has a mailing-list, forum and an active maintainer. Stable. Utilizing mature and stable software like Smarty, MySQL and PHP, mysar is standing on the shoulders of giants. Easy. With a foolproof installation and a user-friendly web interface, mysar makes web traffic reporting easier than ever. Customizable. Mysar needn't be on the same server as squid or MySQL. If your load is too high, just load-balance your processes as you see fit.